Music and taster classes

The music

We care a lot about music, especially live music. Let us tell you about the bands and DJs that will play during OLX. We have booked the best musicans in town for our event.

Jazzombies is pianist David Skinner’s swing ensemble. They’ve been playing for swing dancers, as well as jazz clubs and festivals, since 2012. The band plays classic jazztunes , by for example Benny Goodman, Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, Nat King Cole and George Gershwin, as well as originals by Davis Skinner. Jazzombies prides itself on great tunes, interplay, dancer-friendly rhythmic variation and huge reserves of swinging energy! You might have noticed them in videos like this one:

Shoeshine Boys had their first concert at the New Orleans Jazzclub Workshop in 2008. Since then they have established themselves in Oslo’s traditional jazz environment playing New Orleans-based traditional jazz, dixieland, swingjazz, rhythm and blues. Shoeshine Boys have become a big favourite among the swing dancers in town with their high energy and enjoyment on stage!

Birkelunden Big Band consists of 19 musicians between 20 and 35 years old. They play jazzy tunes by such names as Glenn Miller, The Andrews Sisters and Tommy Dorsey, with arrangements close to the originals. They are also playing the traditional jazz routines like Shim sham, Tranky doo and Big apple. This big band knows what works for lindy hop, and they play very tightly, so we’re sure you’ll enjoy dancing to them.

OLX amateur almost-stars might not be the best band you’ve ever danced to, but it may be the first band you’ve played with – we hope you’ll join us! We’ll practice on Sunday before the tea dance, and a couple of hour later we’ll try our best to entertain the dance floor with a few songs. No skills required, but enthusiasm is appreciated, and it helps if you bring your own instrument (but if you ask us in advance, we can try to organize something for you).

DJs: We’ve booked both local and international (ehm, Swedish) DJs to make you move when there’s no live music.

The taster classes

Friday evening at Cosmpolite
“The secrets to success in Mix&Match competitions” with Jens & Camilla
What do you need to work on to get noticed in the prelims – and how to make it a good experience.
Spoiler: It is not about fancy moves.
Bonus: A lot of the same principles apply to class auditions.
We will also touch upon what you should focus on if/when you actually do get through to the finals.Who should come? Anyone who did, thought of, was curious about, or was scared of joining a Mix & Match competition (or a class audition). Remember: the comfort zone is not where the magic happens. (The class will be relatively comfortable though, nobody will be put in the spotlight. Unless they want to.)

Saturday morning at Kulturhuset
“Rhythm bonanza” with Caroline & Tor Arne
In this class we will work on introducing rhythm variations into your dancing, from classics steps to your own personal flair.

Saturday evening at Cosmopolite
“Geek and fun” with Audun & Charlotte
“In this class we will geek out on some technical aspects of the swing out, as well as have fun with variations to spice it up. «Geek and fun», that’s how we run.”

Sunday at BLS
“Best of both worlds” with Ingvild & Ruben
Follows: Spot the possibillities and take your place.
Leads: Make room and trust your follow.